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Basically, everyone wants to know what’s trending.
Trends matter because they emphasize what’s in and what’s out. This information helps businesses understand and influence consumer behavior whilst easing the task of conducting business with them. While the digital space is a competitive, versatile, and judgmental platform; a brand’s identity depends on its online reputation, online presence and online perceptions. Hence, it’s very important for marketers and brand managers to keep up with the evolving trends.

Let’s check out a few trends for ORM in 2022
Videos: User-generated content, marketing initiatives and brand campaigns are some areas brands can explore, thanks to video content generation and marketing strategies. While the growth of social media along with the popularity and consumption of video-based apps have promoted brands to further explore video content; they are also leveraging the medium to strengthen and deploy effective ORM strategies through video highlights, customer stories and integrated campaigns.
ORM Tools: These days consumers, B2B buyers and businesses – exist online. While marketers find new ways and work on the latest software platforms in an effort to reach customers; more and more companies are moving towards connecting multiple tools and utilizing sophisticated products and platforms to monitor, listen, engage and develop better ORM strategies.
According to statistics, 58% of marketers believe that customer engagement is directly proportional to their loyalty and 75% of customers expect marketers to know a buyer’s profile and their past transactions. Therefore, ORM representatives are improving their ORM activities to acquire information about customer interactions.
Influencers: Apparently, 70% of teens believe in social media influencers rather than traditional celebrities. Hence, brands should focus on choosing the right influencers for their campaigns because they have the power and essence to connect with the customers and improve a brand’s image.
User-Generated Content: These days consumers are creating massive amounts of content online in the form of stories, pictures, and reviews on social media with the intent of sharing their positive experiences. Instead of relying solely on advertising, marketers can implement platforms that auto-generate social media content and positive reviews. This can be done by either showcasing the brand’s social media wall on the website or syncing positive mentions and hashtags to a dedicated user-generated content page. Platforms like Trends, Pixlee, Tint, Stacklaa and Bazaarvoice can help in setting up all the content.
AI to Optimize Online Reputation: Be it bad remarks, negative comments, unsavory reviews or fake news, they tend to spread much easier and faster than positive news. But monitoring and handling millions of reviews, comments, and feedback manually is a tough task. Hence, brands are implementing advanced monitoring tools and AI to keep a track of customer perceptions online.
Customer Engagement: Customers these days check online sources and reviews before involving in any kind of decision-making process. To acquire customers, engage them, sell products, and have consistent returning customers, brands are resorting to an omnichannel approach to attract customers and push them through the funnel.

Future Trends: Since trends are always evolving, here are a few predictions with respect to ORM:
- Businesses will have to inculcate voice search as SEO gets tougher
- Robotization will soon be as common as using Facebook
- The emergence of new social media platforms
- Good/new content will never become obsolete
While the acceleration of the digital economy allowed businesses to grow and connect with customers from all over the world, the need for online reputation management has significantly increased. Although adapting to the latest trends might sound like an easy task, it’s in fact a tedious process. But AiPlex is equipped with resources to identify and incorporate the latest trends into your comprehensive online reputation management solution, please drop us a line.